Go ye afar

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Go ye afar

Post by manniemain »

Hi everyone

Does anyone know if "Go ye afar" which is the Missionary hymn of the Holy Ghost Fathers is still under copyright, or is now in the public domain? I've tried emailing them, but got no reply
Southern Comfort
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Re: Go ye afar

Post by Southern Comfort »

A simple Google search pulls up this:
This is the Missionary Hymn of the Holy Ghost Fathers, and exhorts missionaries to take their message to the ends of the earth. However the lyrics are not specific to the Spiritan (Holy Ghost) Fathers, and it can be used by lay-people and ones from any religious order.

The words were written by Fr James Burke CSSP (1877-1958), and the chorus is based on Romans 10:15-18 "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace.."

The hymn is set to a tune by French composer Charles Gounod (1818-1893).

It was published in the Holy Ghost Hymnal in 1954, but may have been in use before that.

The first line is occasionally mis-quoted as "Go ye Afar and Teach all Nations"
From this it can be seen that the text will be in copyright until 2028.

The page contains a link to an accompaniment for Gounod's setting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-cAq5 ... VotCUCuafg

The text of the refrain is
Go ye afar, go teach all nations;
Bear witness unto Me,
On earth in every clime;
And I with you shall be until the end of time.
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