The Society of Saint Gregory depends entirely on its members for the funds needed to pursue its charitable objectives: namely, to promote study, understanding and good practice in the celebration of the liturgy by organising events and by producing publications, music and other resources for the liturgy and sacred music.

Over the five year period since subscriptions were last reviewed in 2020 inflation has run at 20%. We are all aware of increased costs of living. While the Society is not facing any immediate crisis, thanks to the careful financial management of its trustees and treasurer, it does need to increase its income and reserves. This will be achieved not only by raising membership subscriptions but also by efforts currently underway to attract new members and encouraging paid advertising in the journal.

All renewals occurring in 2025 will be charged at the new rates:

Standard UK Membership £42
Concession (UK for those in full-time education and age 65+) £35
Europe £50
World (outside Europe) £60
Small Group £69
Medium Group £86
Large Group £115

Small Group memberships receive three copies of Music & Liturgy to one UK/Ireland address; Medium Group memberships receive five copies; and Large Groups receive ten copies.

We particularly ask all members to consider paying by Standing Order, especially as this is now so easy to set up online. If you already have a Standing Order, please remember to amend it to the new rate. Thank you.

If you are able to contribute anything above your membership fee to help the McElligott Fund, your donation is warmly welcome—this is a very practical and effective way to extend the mission of the Society of Saint Gregory.

Clarification has been requested concerning partners and married couples. You are welcome to take out one membership jointly. Both partners will be members; you will receive one copy of Music & Liturgy; both will be able to take advantage of the member rate for Summer School and other events.

Anyone who will struggle to pay the increased subscription but wishes to remain a member is encouraged to get in touch with the Membership Secretary ( The Society has always tried to retain the widest membership and the McElligott Fund was established to support those who would otherwise not be able to afford membership or participate in the Society’s activities. We are keen to continue that support.