Notice is hereby given to members that the Annual General Meeting of the Society of Saint Gregory will be held online (by Zoom) on Saturday 23 November 2024 at 12.15pm.

1. Welcome from the Chair
2. Apologies for absence
3. Approval of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 7 October 2023 (via Zoom)
4. Approval of the Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024
5. Chair’s Review
6. Resolution to amend the Society’s Constitution in respect of the terms of office of Officers and Ordinary Trustees (see Note 1 below)
7. Election of Officers and other Trustees (see Note 2 below)
8. Any other notified business (see Note 3 below)
9. Any questions from the floor

Note 1
Resolution received from the Trustees of the Society
The current Constitution reads, “Other members of the Executive Committee shall retire from office at the end of the third annual general meeting after the date on which they came into office . . . Upon retirement, members are ineligible for re-election for one year unless they have held office for less than 13 calendar months, in which case they may be re-elected.” (7.3)  The proposal is to remove the year’s ineligibility clause so that those duly elected can serve consecutive terms of office. The proposed text of the second sentence would read, “Upon retirement, members may be elected for further terms of office.”

Note 2
Nominations for Office
Nominations are sought for the position of Ordinary Trustee. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Secretary –  Nominations for election must be in writing and forwarded to the Secretary prior to the meeting to arrive no later than 26 October. Should nominations exceed vacancies, election shall be by ballot.

Note 3
Any member wishing to propose a resolution for consideration at the AGM shall give notice to the Secretary ( by 2 November 2024. Such notice shall be in writing and be supported by at least two other members of the Society. The notice shall state the business to be discussed. In the event that such a resolution is received, it will be notified to members by 16 November 2024.

Note: If any proposal or topic is not an item on the Agenda, it may be discussed at the Meeting only at the discretion of the Chair.

This notice is being posted on the Society’s website at in accordance with the Constitution of the Society of Saint Gregory.
M Griffiths (Secretary)

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