Which Missal?

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High Peak
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Which Missal?

Post by High Peak »

Could I have your input as to which personal Missal you use/prefer and why.

Last time, I bought the CTS edition; partly because it had the Latin as well as the English (not that I attend Latin Masses) and partly because it included the Missal Tones.

However, I am not convinced that it's the most easily laid out or simple to use, and only having two ribbons is a real inconvenience.

So, where else should I look and why?

Thanking you in anticipation.
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Nick Baty
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Re: Which Missal?

Post by Nick Baty »

Only the CTS Missal is available at the moment and it's pretty grim.
The Hodder edition has just gone to print. From what I hear, it will be much more user friendly.
High Peak
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Re: Which Missal?

Post by High Peak »

I discovered last night that the CTS edition does not have the sense that the new Lectionary readings have.

I guess that it stands to reason - it's already large because it has both English and Latin.

But it's another black mark against it.
High Peak
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Re: Which Missal?

Post by High Peak »

I went with Hodder & Staughton, and I regret it!
It also doesn't have sense lines - I guess that's only for the Lectionary. But the paper is SO thin that, as well as being very fragile, the text isn't always particularly easy to read because of what's printed on the reverse.
I am very disappointed.
John Ainslie
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Re: Which Missal?

Post by John Ainslie »

I plumped for the Redemptorist Press 'Your New Sunday Missal' - and am delighted with it. The paper is thin but the show-through is minimal. It is a beautifully bound book.

However, like the other Sunday missals it has not retained the new sense-lines of the Lectionary, so is not entirely satisfactory for Readers to prepare their readings. If only the CTS would publish volume 1 of the Lectionary by itself in a reasonably-priced edition...
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Nick Baty
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Re: Which Missal?

Post by Nick Baty »

If only the CTS would publish the Lectionary in a cruelty-free edition!
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