I Need Thee, Precious Jesus

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I Need Thee, Precious Jesus

Post by Don9of11 »

I am a hymn researcher living in Ohio, USA. I am looking for information on a composer Frederick W. Helmsley (F.W. Helmsley). He composed a melody for the hymn "I Need Thee, Precious Jesus" which appears in the 1932 edition of "A Daily Hymn Book" published by Burns Oates & Washbourne, Ltd. I also have a 1948 edtion of this hymn book and each are melody edtions. My usual Google searchs' and other reference material I rely on does not have any information on this composer. Hymnary.org has a tune named HELMSLEY but this might be a coincident.

I was wondering if any one in this group would have any information on the composer or an organ accompinament for the melody?
Southern Comfort
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Re: I Need Thee, Precious Jesus

Post by Southern Comfort »

The author's name is Frederick Whitfield, not Helmsley. You will find a full bio at https://hymnary.org/person/Whitfield_F

If you scroll down this page until you come to I Need Thee, Precious Jesus, and click on either of the two links there (different versions of the text), they will take you to pages where, scrolling down once more, you can find music accompaniments for the texts.
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