Organ composition competition

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Organ composition competition

Post by dmu3tem »

The Preston District Organ Association are sponsorsing a competition for new organ works. I have been given permission by their president to draw SSG members' attention to this. For entry forms and precise details contact their secretary Eric Dunne at 37, Bankhead Lane, Hoghton, Preston PR5 OAA. His e.mail is I recommend people who are interested to get these items rather than simply rely on what I summarise below.

Here are the broad outlines:

Closing date for entrants: June 1st, 2009. Results announced on August 1st. You do not have to be a Lancastrian! Anyone in the country can apply.

Prizes as follows (1) £250 (2) £100 (3) £50. Winners names will be posted in 'Organists Review'. Possible performance in Blackburn Cathedral by their D. of Music, Richard Tanner.

Entrance fee per applicant: £5. Cheque made out to the 'Preston and District Organists' Association'. One entry per applicant.

The piece should be written for a 2 manual Organ with Pedal Board. A third 'Choir' manual requirement is not permitted. It should last between 3-5 minutes long and its level of difficulty 'should not exceed Grade 5 Associated Board, i.e. playable by most amateur Church Organists'. Any harmonic/musical style can be used and pieces derived from Chorales/Hymn-tunes are acceptable. The composition should be unpublished and not yet available to other musicians.

The piece should be for PRE-SERVICE use. Specify - if it is not obvious from the score - whether it is 'suitable for a quiet reverential service (e.g. Remembrance) or a more robust celebratory service (e.g. Easter Festival)'. 'The adjudicators are looking for pieces which demonstrate INTEREST and CHARACTER.'

You should send two copies of the composition to the secretary in hard copy (NOT ELECTRONICALLY). Computer set music is preferred, but a clear Mss copy is acceptable. Number the pages. Use a pseudoynm on the top page only. Enclose your real name and address in a sealed envelope with your pseudonym written on the outside. Sent copies are non-returnable.

Copyright of the pieces remain with the composer. The adjudicators reserve the right not to award any prize. 'NO correspondence will be entered into regarding aspects of the competition'.

Once again, I urge interested people to contact the secretary first to get further pertinent details, including the names and background of the adjudicators along with details of what work the PDOA does.

Thomas (Muir)
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