Society of Saint Gregory Composers Group
The Composers Group provides a friendly and supportive context for composers of all abilities to try out ideas, and receive and give advice on work they are doing. Meetings are held online on Zoom. This is a work of the Society of Saint Gregory for the benefit of its members and as a service to the wider Church. You do not have to be an SSG member to join. There is no charge for membership of the Composers Group.
In 2025, the Composers Group will meet:
• Saturday 22 March, 2 to 4 pm
• Saturday 21 June 2 to 4 pm
• Saturday 20 September 2 to 4 pm
Inclusion on the Composers Group mailing list confers membership of the Group. All communication is by email.
Works submitted for discussion and advice must be unpublished or work-in-progress. Copyright in any submitted works remains yours and will be respected. No work is discussed whose composer/author is not present at the meeting.
Work should be submitted by email ( as a music file (Finale, Sibelius, MuseScore or Dorico) or pdf, or as a Word file if text only.
Anyone who submits work will have at least one piece discussed; maybe more, depending on the time available. If you submit several items, please prioritise them, in case there is not time to consider all of them.
Pdfs of the music/texts to be considered at a meeting will be emailed to participants in advance.
The online discussion takes the form of peer review, led by Alan Smith, who will ensure a positive and supportive approach. You are, of course, free to accept or reject the suggestions of your peers!