Scripture for Advent 3

Scripture for Advent 3

Traditionally this Third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday, the word Gaudete meaning rejoice and is the opening word of the Latin version of today’s Entrance Antiphon. We are more or less half way through the season. But the origins of this text can be found...
Advent 2 Lectionary

Advent 2 Lectionary

In this series of YouTube presentations, Fr Jamie McMorrin explores the scriptures used on the Sundays of Advent, comparing the new Lectionary (ESV-CE translation) with the Jerusalem Bible translation used until recently. New Lectionary: Prepare for the Second Sunday...
Scripture for Advent 2

Scripture for Advent 2

With Christmas in full swing in the high street, the liturgy of the church is still focused on Christ’s second coming and not (yet) meditating in his first. But it is difficult to orient our lives, anticipation and preparation with balance and vision towards a...
Blessing a New Lectionary

Blessing a New Lectionary

As the new Lectionary comes into effect on the First Sunday of Advent (1 December 2024), it is an opportune moment to bless the four volumes of the new Lectionary and the Book of the Gospels. The Book of Blessings (1987) provides a simple prayer to do this. The...
The Pattern of Scripture

The Pattern of Scripture

We are now in the final weeks of the Church’s year and the Scriptures used at Sunday Masses focus on the final revelation of the mystery of the Son of Man, who is Jesus, in the Gospel of Mark.  Today (Sunday 32) the story of the widow’s mite (Mark 12:38-44) and next...
ESV-CE Translation

ESV-CE Translation

Fr Jamie McMorrin introduces the English Standard Version Catholic Edition (ESV-CE) translation which will be used at liturgy in Scotland and England and Wales from the First Sunday of Advent 2024.  This first video is a brief introduction to the sort of questions...