Clifton Podcasts

Clifton Podcasts

The Clifton Diocese has produced a series of short podcasts in which Christopher Walker and Richard Jeffrey-Gray talk about  ways to introduce singing of the parts of the Mass from the simplest Alleluia to more accomplished settings.  There also links to recommended musical settings.  The topics of the podcasts . . .

Music & Liturgy 50.3

Music & Liturgy 50.3

The latest edition of Music & Liturgy (Vol 50.3), the journal of the Society of St Gregory, hits doormats next week (or shortly thereafter).  In this issue, there are reports and reflections from Summer School 2024 at Liverpool Hope University; a reflection on the...
New Lectionary

New Lectionary

Fr Paul Denney speaks about the process of preparing the new Lectionary, to be introduced across England & Wales and Scotland from First Sunday of Advent 2024.  Fr Denney was closely involved in the preparation of the new Lectionary on behalf of the Bishops’...
Season of creation

Season of creation

Sunday 1 September is the beginning of the Season of Creation which continues until the feast of St Francis of Assisi on 4 October. In a joint statement, Pope Francis, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Justin Welby, write, “Future generations will...
Hodder Sunday Missal

Hodder Sunday Missal

Hodder & Stoughton are publishing a people’s Sunday Missal with the new ESV-CE translation of scripture and the Abbey psalms.  Hardback versions are available in blue or red covers at £18.99 or bulk discount ten copies for £130.  This is an alternative to...


The Universalis app, which provides the full texts of readings and prayers for Mass and the Divine Office on each day of the year, has now made available the new lectionary translation (from the English Standard Version Catholic Edition [ESV-CE] with the Abbey...