Sunday 12 scripture

Sunday 12 scripture

Mark 4:35-41   The well known and somewhat clichéd Vivien Greene quotation, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass . . . it’s about learning to dance in the rain”, came to mind when I was reflecting on the gospel for this Sunday.  I’m...
New lectionary news

New lectionary news

The Catholic Truth Society (CTS), which has been commissioned by the bishops’ conferences of England & Wales and Scotland to produce the new lectionary due to come into use on the first Sunday of Advent this year, has announced what the new liturgical books will...
Easter 6 scripture

Easter 6 scripture

The first reading from Acts in today’s Mass is part of a discussion about whether or not Gentiles (or ‘pagans’ as translated in the lectionary) could be included in the new Christian community that was emerging …