Music & Liturgy 51.1

Music & Liturgy 51.1

The latest edition of Music & Liturgy drops onto doormats in the next few days. In this issue, Richard Jeffrey-Gray writes about organizing a major liturgical event at Clifton Cathedral, Fr Allen Morris rethinks approaches to pastoral liturgy, Paul Inwood offers...


As Lent begins, Mgr Kevin McGinnell reflects on the liturgy of Lent: “Liturgical time shapes our celebrations and supports our spiritual life and prayer, none more so than the Lent–Triduum–Eastertime experience which needs to be seen and celebrated in its...
New Music from Ad Fontes

New Music from Ad Fontes

Ad Fontes, the pioneering record label from Buckfast Abbey, is launching an exciting new venture to publish music associated with the abbey and its choir and Ruffatti organ (2018). The complete organ works of Dom Sebastian Wolff are being made available alongside...
New Feast Day

New Feast Day

St Teresa of Calcutta, canonized in 2016 by Pope Francis, has been assigned a feast day (with the rank of an Optional Memorial) in the Universal Calendar of the Church on 5 September. The new Collect (the opening prayer of the Mass) for St Teresa’s feast day...
Wheatsheaf psalms

Wheatsheaf psalms

The Wheatsheaf Psalms is a collection of simple psalms for use throughout the Church’s year, Sunday by Sunday and beyond.  It uses texts from The Abbey Psalms and Canticles and the 2024 Lectionary for Mass now in use in England and Wales, and...