Sunday 26 scripture

Sunday 26 scripture

Have you ever tried to resolve a problem, only for someone else to come along and provide a solution so obvious you wonder why you hadn’t spotted it yourself in the first place?  While grateful for the advice, it can be something of a dent to the ego to reminded that...
Sunday 25 scripture

Sunday 25 scripture

Mark 9:30-37  Today’s gospel finds the disciples in an awkward silence. They have been arguing on the road about which of them was the greatest, and almost certainly overheard by Jesus. Their concern with their own ranking is very human; so often we define ourselves...
Sunday 24 scripture

Sunday 24 scripture

Francis of Assisi is quoted as saying, ‘The deeds you do may be the only sermon some people hear today.’  He would have appreciated today’s second reading from the letter of James, reminding us that faith, unaccompanied by good deeds, is quite dead. I imagine most of...