Organ Delight
If you have not already discovered the young German organist, Jan Liebermann, you are in for a treat. Winner of the 2024 Northern Ireland International Organ Competition, Liebermann has been posting performance videos for a couple of years. At 18, he is a student at...
Notre Dame Organ Awakes
In a dramatic piece of liturgy, the organ at Notre Dame in Paris was “reawakened” on 7 December 2024. Eight times Archbishop Laurent Ulrich addressed the organ, calling it to perform its different liturgical functions amidst the people of God gathered in...
The pattern of scripture
Ordinary Time – Week 29 “The Word of God unceasingly calls to mind and extends the plan of salvation, which achieves its fullest expression in the liturgy. The liturgical celebration becomes therefore the continuing, complete, and effective presentation...
Macmillan on chant
To attract an audience of 300-plus on a cold and rainy midweek night for a lecture on the somewhat niche topic of the origins of western music in plainsong is an astonishing feat. But the draw this past week was Sir …