The Society of Saint Gregory is the national society for liturgy and music in the Roman Catholic Church in the UK.
Founded in 1929, the Society of St Gregory has played an influential role in the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council and continues to do so by promoting the study and understanding of the liturgy and resourcing and encouraging good pastoral practice in the public worship of the Catholic Church.
The Society’s interests and activities encompass music and composition, the ministry of readers, presiding at liturgy, liturgy with children and young people in schools and parishes, and Christian art and architecture.
Taking Liturgy Seriously 3
An online course from the Society of St Gregory
In January 2025, the Society of St Gregory begins the third Taking Liturgy Seriously online course.
This year, the focus will be on liturgical spirituality, taking its inspiration from Pope Francis’ letter on liturgical formation, Desiderio Desideravi: “‘I would like this letter to help us to rekindle our wonder for the beauty of the truth of the Christian celebration.” (n.62)
The aim of the course is to enable personal reflection on what it means to be a member of the worshipping community, how others are worshipping with you, and how ministering in all its forms is a part of our own worship and prayer. It will develop a clear understanding of how the Church’s liturgy expresses her theology and spirituality.
The course will run online (Zoom) and comprise six modules of three consecutive Thursday evenings from January to November 2025 at 7.30 to 8.45pm.
News, views and reviews from the liturgical world . . .
Music & Liturgy 51.1
The latest edition of Music & Liturgy drops onto doormats in the next few days. In this issue, Richard Jeffrey-Gray writes about organizing a major liturgical event at Clifton Cathedral, Fr...
As Lent begins, Mgr Kevin McGinnell reflects on the liturgy of Lent: "Liturgical time shapes our celebrations and supports our spiritual life and prayer, none more so than the...
New Music from Ad Fontes
Ad Fontes, the pioneering record label from Buckfast Abbey, is launching an exciting new venture to publish music associated with the abbey and its choir and Ruffatti organ (2018). The complete...
New Feast Day
St Teresa of Calcutta, canonized in 2016 by Pope Francis, has been assigned a feast day (with the rank of an Optional Memorial) in the Universal Calendar of the Church on 5 September. The new...
Wheatsheaf psalms
The Wheatsheaf Psalms is a collection of simple psalms for use throughout the Church’s year, Sunday by Sunday and beyond. It uses texts from The Abbey Psalms and Canticles and the...
The Meaning of Words
Professor Rowan Williams reflects on the use and meaning of words. In this fascinating interview, Professor Williams talks about the limits of language and how words can point beyond themselves to...
The Fisher Psalter
The Fisher Psalter is a welcome addition to the growing list of resources available for the new Lectionary psalms. It is named after Fisher House, the home of the Catholic Chaplaincy for...
Sacrament of Reconciliation
At their November 2024 meeting, the French bishops (La Conférence des évêques de France) considered the pastoral practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and issued a document setting out...
Subscriptions 2025
The Society of Saint Gregory depends entirely on its members for the funds needed to pursue its charitable objectives: namely, to promote study, understanding and good practice in the celebration of...
Jubilee Year Hymn
“Now the time has come for a new Jubilee, when once more the Holy Door will be flung open to invite everyone to an intense experience of the love of God.” (Pope Francus, Spes non confundit n.6) 6pm...
Organ Delight
If you have not already discovered the young German organist, Jan Liebermann, you are in for a treat. Winner of the 2024 Northern Ireland International Organ Competition, Liebermann has been posting...
Scripture for Holy Family
Luke’s Gospel contains most of what we know about Jesus’ early life, what is known as the infancy narrative. But as Luke was not an apostle, how come he alone has these accounts on annunciation,...