Mysteries of Faith

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Mysteries of Faith

Post by contrabordun »

A bit outside the scope of this forum, so hoping not to be banned.. the following letter appeared in the Times this week - just wondered what people thought about it?

The letters page has been discussing the churchgoing of one T.Blair, and the letter she referred to was stressing the importance of not fudging doctrine in the interests of creating a veneer of unity.
October 25, 2004

Shared Communion?
From Mrs Hilary Martin

Sir, The calling for increased understanding of and respect for the different beliefs concerning the Eucharist within various Christian denominations by the Reverend R. G. Partridge is commendable.

However, even a rudimentary understanding of the doctrine of the Real Presence requires a grasp of Aristotelian philosophy, some knowledge of its assimilation into Christian theology by Aquinas and an understanding of the allegorical interpretations of certain passages of the Gospels.

On approaching the altar, both Roman Catholic and Anglican communicants are more likely to be focused upon penitence, faith and a holy encounter with the risen Christ than upon the exact nature of Christ’s presence in the bread and wine.

The divided Eucharist is a source of sorrow for many inter-Church families. It could be argued that the real sin lies in the division, not in the theological and philosophical details that perpetuate it.

Yours faithfully,
Glebelands, Brockenhurst Road,
Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9HB.
October 18.
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Re: Mysteries of Faith

Post by musicus »

contrabordun wrote:A bit outside the scope of this forum, so hoping not to be banned...

No, this is fine. Please continue.

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Re: Mysteries of Faith

Post by presbyter »

contrabordun wrote:From Mrs Hilary Martin.....
However, even a rudimentary understanding of the doctrine of the Real Presence requires a grasp of Aristotelian philosophy, some knowledge of its assimilation into Christian theology by Aquinas and an understanding of the allegorical interpretations of certain passages of the Gospels.

Not a sentence to be used in a theology essay, I suggest. Now what does Mrs Martin mean? .... (also acknowledging that she couldn't expand too much in a short letter to a newspaper).

For those with a mind so to do, try a comparison of RC and CofE Eucharistic Prayers and apply lex orandi..... Also one could dig out the ARCIC document on the Eucharist and Rome's reply to it.

And for those who want to delve into the discipline of sharing the Eucharist - "The Pope gave Tony Blair Holy Communion. Why?"
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