The first meeting of the SSG Composers' Forum (formerly SSG Composers' Group) will be held in the Lower Hall at Our Lady's, Liilington ( ... illington/), Saturday 1 December, 10.30am (for 11.00) to 4pm. On this occasion, an optional soup and jacket potato lunch will be available at £2.50.
In addition to a session discussing composers' and writers' work in progress, Keith Ainsworth will give a presentation on the Liturgy Office's Composers' Guide and Alan Smith will lead a workshop on composing with the modes.
Everyone in the SSG Composers' Forum email group will shortly be sent an email containing full details and a reply slip. If you are not already in this email group, please read and respond to the topic post: SSG Composers' Forum: [1] Invitation.
Finally, please do not turn up unannounced, but join the email list and reply to the forthcoming invitation. This will help us to plan the meetings more effectively and to make them more useful for you.
SSG Composers' Forum: [2] Notice of meeting
Moderators: Dom Perignon, Casimir
SSG Composers' Forum: [2] Notice of meeting
musicus - moderator, Liturgy Matters