The Panel of Monastic musicians Winter 2012 magazine has an article by our November speaker Mgr Wadsworth which all should read. He describes a youth Mass where there was applause after most of the items i.e. it was a concert. He alleges that he has experienced similar in many cathedrals and churches! I have yet to hear applause during a choral evensong or a sung Mass. Sometimes I have heard applause of appreciation for an organ voluntary but I see nothing wrong in that! We should as Christians acknowledge each other's gifts. Maybe I have misread it but it certainly needs querying.
The said Mgr recently concelebrated at Westminster cathedral Mass when I was serving. What would he make of an opening metrical hymn and the MacMillan St Anne's setting but he seemed happy enough! The cathedral follows the guidelines and we do an English version of the chant as well as using Taize. Cantor tries to get people to sing - a thankless task in such a huge place but some do.
Prepare for Crichton lecture
Moderators: Dom Perignon, Casimir