Where are we now?

Moderators: Dom Perignon, Casimir
alan29 wrote:When do we have to ditch all our responsorial psalms?
VML wrote:..because the psalm itself is the response to the reading. .. I think.
In the wake of the 2001 document Liturgiam authenticam, all contemporary translations of the psalms came under criticism for their use of paraphrase—LA having called for more literal translations of the Scriptures and liturgical texts.
This criticism affected the Grail Psalms, original and revised; the psalms, both original and revised, from the New American Bible; and the ICEL Psalter, among others.
Benedictine monk and priest, musician, and Old Testament professor Abbot Gregory Polan, O.S.B., of Conception Abbey, Missouri, responding to a request of the then–Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy and with an eye to its use for his own monastic community, undertook the work of preparing a third revision of the Grail Psalms.
For this task, Abbot Gregory worked exclusively from the original Grail version and the Hebrew Massoretic and Greek Septuagint texts, with an eye to the Nova Vulgata. During the process, he conferred with the Grail, as well as Vatican and international sources, in order to create a version that would meet the requirements of Liturgiam authenticam and be suitable for English speakers throughout the world.