This should ensure that we are not lumbered with numerous padded, altered and versified versions of the Mass parts usually sung, as we were in the seventies.
This Sunday, I have been informed, something called the 'live simply creed' will replace the Nicene Creed at Mass for Peace Sunday. The intention is to have something 'meaningful in the context of that particular Mass.' This is from an RE teacher so she must be right. (Sorry, there is not a smilie for being catty!)
It's my Sunday off music, but I have suggested that we are not really at liberty to substitute the words of the Creed, except in particular circumstances, when the Apostles' Creed or Renewal of Baptismal Vows is used.
This is taken as just my opinion, so I thought we might find a few other creeds to use at themed Masses...

Education, prisoners, seafarers, pro-life, day for the sick, harvest, family fast days; there must be more.