Alternative texts for Mass.

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Southern Comfort
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Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:31 pm

Re: Alternative texts for Mass.

Post by Southern Comfort »

docmattc wrote:Because it isn't the text printed in the Missal, and no priest may on his own initiative (or even that of SC) change the text.

Of course there are many occasions on which one may change the text. It isn't all black and white.

docmattc wrote:Here he is blessing the people, which is why he is making the sign of the cross over the people and not on himself. Changing the text might be intended as inclusive, but actually shows a wooly understanding of the theology of priesthood.

Beware of imputing woolly theology! The priest is not blessing the people. He is invoking God's blessing on the people (and one hopes on himself too), but theologically only God can bless, not us, whether clerical of lay. That's why a priest says "May almighty God bless you" and not "I bless you". Ministers of Communion "give a blessing", parents bless their children, we say "[May God] bless you!" when someone sneezes. But in all these cases we are not blessing anyone. We are asking God to bless them.

In this context, it is certainly permissible to think about how we build community through the liturgy by examining the language we use. That's why there is such a furore over the forthcoming Missal.
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