VML wrote: I managed to start the offertory processional Ubi caritas before the deacon had renewed his commitment:
An interesting but possibly misplaced addition to the rite ......... I wonder how many parishes do this ......... or commission extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist on this evening .......... hmmm.
Deacons are directly appointed by their Ordinary - and are responsible to him - as are presbyters who do indeed renew their commitment at the Chrism Mass. I think deacons should renew their promises - as presbyters - before their Ordinary. They make a commitment to their Bishop, not to the parish in which they have been appointed to serve. Their service in a parish is not the result of a commitment to the people of that parish but a result of their promises to their Bishop.
This diocese has an annual Mass for Deacons in the cathedral ....... where commitment is indeed renewed before the Bishop...... but it's not in Holy Week.
The only time that a parish priest formally declares his commitment before the people of a parish is - in this diocese - at his induction (before the Vicar Forane (Dean) acting as the Bishop's delegate) - where the solemn oaths of fidelity to the Holy See he took before ordination are renewed - he professes his faith - and promises to do all he is supposed to do while being taken round the church to various places and being handed bunches of keys and liturgical artifacts. Note that the declaration is to the Bishop's delegate and before the people - not to the people. Did your p.p. renews his promises before the people as well - or was it just the deacon? If not the p.p. as well, why not?
Personally, I would not indulge in either practice on Holy Thursday evening ...... nor the commissioning of ministers of Holy Communion .......
Perhaps this needs a new thread. [done - musicus, moderator]