Which Missal?

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High Peak
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Which Missal?

Post by High Peak »

Could I have your input as to which personal Missal you use/prefer and why.

Last time, I bought the CTS edition; partly because it had the Latin as well as the English (not that I attend Latin Masses) and partly because it included the Missal Tones.

However, I am not convinced that it's the most easily laid out or simple to use, and only having two ribbons is a real inconvenience.

So, where else should I look and why?

Thanking you in anticipation.
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Nick Baty
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Re: Which Missal?

Post by Nick Baty »

Only the CTS Missal is available at the moment and it's pretty grim.
The Hodder edition has just gone to print. From what I hear, it will be much more user friendly.
High Peak
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Re: Which Missal?

Post by High Peak »

I discovered last night that the CTS edition does not have the sense that the new Lectionary readings have.

I guess that it stands to reason - it's already large because it has both English and Latin.

But it's another black mark against it.
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