
Well it does to the people who post here... dispassionate and reasoned debate, with a good deal of humour thrown in for good measure.

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Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:39 pm
Parish / Diocese: Westminster cathedral
Location: London


Post by organist »

Sang at an Anglican ordination. When you see in the booklet "performed by" you know applause is almost expected. The group were good but they had mikes and so the psalm got applauded. They were also prominent and near the HIgh altar. They sang 3 items at communion (no applause) and that was too much. The choir were left to sing the setting Haydn Gloria and Caesar. The bishop obviously enjoyed it she was singing along! More applause at the end for the group! The difference here is between performing and enabling the people to praise God. One of the items was "Lord I want to worship". :(
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