During the singing of the Litany of Saints at the Easter Vigil,
wherein the names of some Saints may be added, especially the Titular Saint of the church and the Patron Saints of the place and of those to be baptized.
, at what point would local and titular saints be added? My guess would be after the last specific, named saint, and pre "All holy men and women, saints of God".
I wonder does the forum membership have any thoughts?
I wrote most of the Wikipedia article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litany_of_the_Saints concerning the Ordinary form. There you will find the nuances of how to structure Litanies for different kinds of rituals!
John Ainslie wrote:There is a traditional order for the saints invoked in the Litany of the Saints:
biblical saints martyrs (men first) non-martyrs:
popes bishops others
Within each category the listing is in historical order.
I provide this for information only.
Expanding on this, and taking into account the Wikipedia article referenced above, the attached article may be of use. It originally appeared in the NPM journal Pastoral Music.
Litanies Pastoral Music.pdf
Once you have established which category your inserted saint is in, the order within the category is then determined by date of death.
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For the bicentenary of St Anthony's, Scotland Road, in 2004, we ordered our saints geographically: Britain England Lancashire Liverpool Local (Names of saints who gave their names to our local daughter parishes) and... "All holy men and women of Scotland Road".