The Bishops’ Conference has decided that from Pentecost Sunday, 8 June 2014 only settings of the Ordinary of the Mass using the new translation are permitted to be sung at Mass. Settings using the previous translation or paraphrased texts may no longer be used in our parishes, schools and communities.
makes no mention whatsoever of troped settings (e.g. Lamb of God) which have been permitted for use in England and Wales since 1971 and do not come under either the previous translation or paraphrased texts (which means things like the Israeli Mass). This seems to be an oversight. In the absence of any further clarification, I assume that troped settings can continue in use (though the Panel has steadfastly refused to approve them in new settings).
Until recently the US Bishops were happy to approve troped settings of the Lamb of God, and a number of published settings include these. Rome then requested the US Bishops to rescind this permission. This resulted in a "grandfather" ruling by the US's BCDW by which no new settings may be published in the USA using tropes but already-published new (and old) troped settings of the Lamb of God can continue to be used (but may not be reprinted). As far as I am aware, no similar request to discontinue tropes has been received by the England and Wales Bishops' Conference, nor by any other Conference.