Peter Jones wrote: It's a thread to discover what works well and what doesn't.
Okay, at the 10.00 -- what works, juusstt about, as the comm. antiphon -- Eagles wings (Joncas) -- As the deer (Hurd) -- One bread, one body (Foley) -- Here I am Lord (Schutte) -- I will see you again (Psallite) -- Lord, we are always in your presence -- Jakob
'Here I am' is the first song I have heard RC's singing in the procession. One parishioner even came back from commmunion, put his rosary down and opened the hymn book!
What doesn't work -- pretty well any Taize -- James Biery's antiphons (see: ... s/17330279). (Not a criticism of Berthier of Biery).
I have not tried any latin, so I don't know if it works -- has anyone else? I also rather liked Taste & see in the Paul Ford Gradual - but I am in a minority of one in liking this in the music group I serve.
This discussion came up at choir rehersal last night, and we all thought that there are simply not enough good tunes going round. I have been looking in vain for anything of the remotest musical interest on the 'traditional' web sites, although I get the feeling that active participation is the last thing that our trad. friends are interested in.