Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2011

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Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2011

Post by mcb »

I've just come back from the same training day (for those involved with diocesan liturgical formation) which Alan has mentioned. At the meeting Martin Foster mentioned that the use of musical settings of the new texts will be permitted from Easter 2011.

The whole Order of Mass will come into use in September 2011, and the Missal in its entirety "from Advent 2011 onwards", which we were given to understand means "or whenever it's finally published, whichever is the later". Martin's estimate was that we would definitely be using it by Lent 2012.
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Nick Baty
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by Nick Baty »

And are new texts compulsory or optional in September?
And on which date are current texts outlawed?
Methinks Rome does not understand the planning regime of the parish musician.

It's interesting that the USA was given the go-ahead before the UK but they're not introducing the Order of Mass until Advent. Are we rushing things?
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by mcb »

Perhaps we'll get an official answer here? In the mean time, my understanding (again gleaned from today's meeting) is this: there's no intention to suddenly annihilate every parish's existing musical repertoire, so there will be permission to continue using settings of the old texts. It wasn't clear what the time span of this permission will be. Presumably for a limited period?

As for spoken texts, I don't think I heard a definitive statement. I'd imagine the new texts will be required from September.
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by Nick Baty »

From what you say it sounds as though we have something of a crossover period from Easter until Advent. This would enable us to have two settings in the repertoire by the end of November. But we're already mourning that which we must soon throw away! :(

And I still think "hosts" sounds totally gay compared with "power and might".
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by mcb »

Nick Baty wrote:From what you say it sounds as though we have something of a crossover period from Easter until Advent.

No, I didn't mean to imply that. I imagine the crossover period might well extend beyond Advent, as far as musical settings are concerned.

I expect the Liturgy Office will clarify these questions in due course.
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by Nick Baty »

Hm! Would have been helpful to know last week when I was drafting Easter 2012.
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by NorthernTenor »

Nick Baty wrote:And I still think "hosts" sounds totally gay compared with "power and might".

I wonder in what sense Nick uses the term "gay" here? Cheery? Camp? Naff? In context, the first of these possibilities seems unlikely, and I'm sure he wouldn't be guilty of the homophobia implicit in the second and third. What can he mean, then?
Ian Williams
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by mcb »

I suggest looking it up in Wikipedia, NT, where the explanation looks entirely clear. It does say among younger speakers, so that probably excludes you and me.
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by NorthernTenor »

mcb wrote:I suggest looking it up in Wikipedia, NT, where the explanation looks entirely clear. It does say among younger speakers, so that probably excludes you and me.

The use of "gay" as a pejorative is widely considered offensive. In the young this may well be unintended. Those who are older are less likely to have this excuse, particularly those (like Nick) involved in the media and education, where its connotations have been widely debated. I followed your suggestion and consulted the great Wiki Oracle, and found that it bears witness to this. It is also probably no coincidence that a crass and mischievous post recently appeared on Pray, Tell, asserting a connection between the new translation and homosexuality (it's since been pulled with no explanation).
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by musicus »

mcb wrote:I suggest looking it up in Wikipedia, NT, where the explanation looks entirely clear. It does say among younger speakers, so that probably excludes you and me.

I can confirm this usage (i.e. "rubbish" or "stupid") and that is the sense in which I believe it is used in this post. However, given the potential for confusion among our more mature readership, perhaps it is best avoided here.
musicus - moderator, Liturgy Matters
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by Nick Baty »

musicus wrote:I can confirm this usage (i.e. "rubbish" or "stupid") and that is the sense in which I believe it is used in this post.
"Lame" is closer.

musicus wrote:... perhaps it is best avoided here.
How very sad.
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Re: Settings of the new Missal texts permitted from Easter 2

Post by docmattc »

mcb wrote: At the meeting Martin Foster mentioned that the use of musical settings of the new texts will be permitted from Easter 2011.

From liturgy office FAQs

Other settings of the new translation may be published after Easter 2011 and the Department for Christian Life and Worship has permitted that they may be used from then.
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