presbyter wrote: the text worked a lot better in prayerful proclamation than I thought it would
This is most encouraging to hear. One wonders how well the text would fare in a non-prayerful proclamation such as is sadly the case in many parishes. It is to be hoped that the nature of the text will highlight such non-prayerful proclamation in a manner that the current text does not. Further, it is to be hoped that there is sufficient vision to recognise that in such cases, the deficiency is in the proclaimer and not the proclaimed.
I am relieved that the words are being found prayerful. It was my impression on first reading that they would be. I am aware of the unfortunate choices of words made here and there, but I have a great sympathy with the style, which although criticised in some quarters as too latin, I find help to remind me that these words are deep and full of meaning. I think we need to look positively at these words, and to treat them as an opportunity to deepen our understanding of mass.