In our particular part of God's own city, we've been experimenting for a while with texts from The Processional. So far, the only ones to have been really taken on board by the assembly are six communion antiphons (amazingly!) including one for Advent/Christmas and a Lenten introit.
I have to admit that we've strayed a long way from what was originally intended (or have we?) and we've been using refrains with simple, repeated words with a variety of psalm texts. For example, "In the house of the Lord, I will dwell for ever. I will dwell for ever in the house of the Lord" used with psalms 22, 26 and 84. And, last Advent, we used the text given in the processional for Communion of Week 3 adapted to "Be strong and do no fear, the Lord will come to save us" on each and changed it further for Christmas Day to "Rejoice and do not fear, the Lord is here among us".
The Processional has inspired our parish to sing during the Communion procession which is, I think, what was hoped. On the other hand, we've been rather liberal with interpretation of the texts.
I'm just wondering how others are getting on. Happy to exchange experiments by PM/Email.
The Processional 2
Moderators: Dom Perignon, Casimir